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  1. Blog28th Oct 2023

    Would you be ready if HMRC lodged a formal enquiry into your Income Tax Return?

    A tax enquiry is the process by which HMRC check in detail that the information on a tax return is correct and complete. HMRC have the right to make a formal enquiry into every tax return submitted to them. This…

    By Gunhild Dam

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  2. Blog26th Oct 2023

    Importance of Financial Projections: Know Your Numbers

    In the ever-changing landscape of the UK economy, business owners face a multitude of challenges that demand foresight, strategy, and adaptability in order to maintain success. One of the most valuable tools that savvy business owners can utilise to tackle…

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  3. Blog20th Oct 2023

    Do you have a legal remuneration strategy?

    Each year it is important for business owners to review the company remuneration strategy to determine the most tax-efficient way to withdraw money from the business. Unfortunately, a number of business owners view the contents of the business bank account…

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  4. Blog9th Oct 2023

    Charlie Dunning

    What Is The Basis Period Reform For 2023?

    What is the basis period? The basis period is the accounting period on which a business calculates their tax each year.  Ordinarily the basis period on which a business is taxed is the 12 month accounting period that ends within…

    By Charlie Dunning

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  5. Blog5th Oct 2023

    New Spanish Digital Nomad Visa allows access to the very attractive… Beckham tax law

    How does living & working in Spain for up to 5 years, whilst only paying 24% tax sound to you? Spain has always been a ‘go to’ holiday and retirement destination for Brits. The attraction is obvious – what’s not…

    By Charlie Dunning

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  6. Blog21st Sep 2023

    Can Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) provide an alternative to family succession?

    Known for their adaptable nature, innovative spirit and contribution to the economy, the importance of the successful continuation of our family businesses cannot be overstated. Retaining the ownership and running of the business within the family is often considered a…

    By Kate Naylor and Joel Topham

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  7. Blog14th Sep 2023

    What are Family Investment Companies?

    In recent years, “Family Investment Companies” (FICs) have become more widely used in family tax planning exercises. However, they are not a new structure by any means – our oldest FIC client is over 100 years old! They are setup…

    By Emily Robson and Steve Roberts

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  8. Blog5th Sep 2023

    Cruising around the world – can it really reduce your tax bill?

    The post-COVID world looks very different for many workers. Many are now choosing to work not just from home instead of the office, but in some cases, an entirely different country. Most are searching for a better work/life balance, escaping…

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  9. Blog4th Sep 2023

    Image of an electric vehicle being charged

    Is Salary Sacrifice worth it for an electric car?

    The 2022 Benefit in Kind Statistics annual report shows there has been a significant shift from diesel company cars which accounted for around 80% pre 2017, to 60% by 2019/2020 with a further decline to just 49% (355,000) in 2020/21. However,…

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  10. Blog16th Aug 2023

    Value Added Tax – a basic guide to the indirect tax for sole traders

    When many people think of VAT, they think of the extra charge on clothes, petrol and everyday items. However, those that are self-employed and/or run a business, may be required to get involved with VAT more than they would otherwise…

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  11. Blog11th Aug 2023

    HMRC Targeting Airbnb Landlords  

    The way in which we’re able to generate multiple streams of income from property ownership has changed. With platforms such as Airbnb, and Cool Stays, landlords are turning to short-term let properties as a source of income and seeing…

    By Bev Holroyd

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  12. Blog3rd Aug 2023

    Steve Roberts, Private Client Senior Manager who wrote blog about Inheritance Tax

    Inheritance Tax – Could your estate be exposed?

    Many more ordinary people are becoming liable to Inheritance Tax (IHT) who may not have before. In this blog we’ll be looking at what IHT is, why the rise is occurring and how we can help you mitigate your IHT…

    By Steve Roberts

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